Tag: Vulnerable Populations

Clean Air Grants Reduce Air Pollution Exposure of Vulnerable Populations

The Ventura County Air Pollution Control Board approved $1.2 million in emission reduction grants for Ventura County businesses through the Community Air Protection (CAP) Incentive Program. This is the third year that the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District (VCAPCD) has participated in the CAP Incentive Program.

This year’s grants will help fund the replacement of two (2) diesel school buses with new, zero-emission, electric school buses and the corresponding installation of the necessary electric vehicle charging equipment for these buses. In addition, this year’s grants will help pay for new, lower-emission equipment to replace ten (10) older, higher-pollution diesel engines in agricultural equipment. The total investment in 2020 air quality projects, including the cost-share contributed by grant recipients, will be over $1.8 million. Since 2018, VCAPCD has awarded over $3.6 million in CAP incentives to help businesses operating in Ventura County replace older equipment with cleaner, low-emission equipment.