Tag: Voto Latino

Voto Latino — Latinos in Battleground States support gun control & abortion rights

Also see:

NBC News — Poll: Majority of Latinos in battleground states support abortion rights, gun reform

By Voto Latino

Latinos are the second largest voting bloc in the country and disproportionately reside in critical battleground states where they are also the fastest growing voting bloc. Candidates hoping to win in November and beyond will need to appeal to Latinos and the issues that matter to them. In order to understand how Latinos feel about two of the most salient issues in the country – abortion rights and mass shootings – Change Research surveyed 1,033 registered Hispanic and Latino voters in the seven key battleground states of Texas, Arizona, Nevada, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania from June 2-7, 2022 on behalf of Voto Latino.1

A strong majority of Latinos are concerned about their personal safety from gun violence and believe weak gun laws are a major reason why perpetrators are capable of inflicting such carnage. Overwhelming majorities support many common sense gun safety laws Democrats have proposed and believe there would be fewer mass shootings if they were to be enacted. Latinos are also ready to reward leaders who take action on gun laws: an overwhelming 69% are more likely to support candidates who support the gun laws tested in this poll, including roughly half of Republican Latinos.

Latinos also fear for their reproductive freedoms as the conservative majority on the Supreme Court indicates it is prepared to overturn Roe v. Wade. Over two-thirds of Latinos support the right to an abortion in all or most cases.