Tag: Ventura Land Trust Preserves

Ventura Land Trust Preserves Damaged in Recent Storms Set for Extended Closure

Ventura Land Trust (VLT) nature preserves sustained significant damage in the recent storms that dropped 15 inches of rain areas of Ventura County. Harmon Canyon Preserve, Big Rock Preserve, and Willoughby Preserve are closed to the public due to structural blows to trails and roads.

“At Harmon Canyon Preserve, we are dealing with deep mud, sinkholes, unstable slopes, and loose rocks,” says Preserve Director Dan Hulst. “Repairs are underway, but it may be as long as two months before the preserve partially opens and public access is restored. The message we need to get out to the public is that this closure is necessary for their safety. Even when it’s dry and sunny outside, we need people to remember that preserves are still closed.”