Tag: Ventura County Public Health Department

Bilingual report — COVID-19 Outbreak in Farmworker Community in Oxnard Update

The Ventura County Public Health Department has responded to a COVID-19 outbreak at a farmworker housing facility in Oxnard. All residents of the facility are being tested. Currently, there are 95 positive cases with approximately 100 tests pending at the Ventura County Public Health Lab. The residents are in their 20s and 30s and currently have mild symptoms. They are being placed under quarantine or isolation depending on their test results.

Ventura County Public Health Department Awarded National Reaccreditation Status — First in State of California

The Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) has announced that the Ventura County Public Health Department is among the first 25 local public health departments in the nation and the first in the State of California to be awarded reaccreditation status. The accreditation demonstrates a consistent and continued commitment to collaborative efforts to keep communities throughout Ventura County safe. The rigorous accreditation process requires commitment to quality and performance improvement.

Bilingual report: Update from Ventura County Public Health — Test Results Are Negative for Pending Novel Coronavirus Case in Ventura County

VENTURA — The Ventura County Public Health Department has received negative results from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding a possible case of the novel coronavirus in Ventura County. There are no confirmed cases or pending cases of the…

Bilingual report: Update from Ventura County Public Health on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus

VENTURA — The Ventura County Public Health Department continues to take steps to prevent the spread of 2019 novel coronavirus. The health and wellbeing of the community remains Public Health’s top priority. In Ventura County, as in counties across the…

Ventura County Public Health offers flu shot clinics

VENTURA COUNTY — The nation’s widespread outbreak of the flu has caused an increase in flu cases in California and a sudden surge in demand for the flu vaccine in Ventura County, the Ventura County’s Public Health (VCPH) Department reported in…