Tag: Ventura County Probation

Celebration of Probation Services Week 2021 – Probation Chief Honors Peace Officer and Civilian Staff Who Help Keep Our Communities Safe

Ventura County Probation Chief Mark Varela announced this year’s annual Probation Services Week will be taking place from July 18 – July 24, 2021 to honor probation professionals who work tirelessly to keep our communities safe and support the rehabilitative process for justice-involved individuals under their supervision and care. The year’s Probation Services Week theme is“Restoring Trust, Creating Hope.” Throughout this week, the Probation Agency will be recognizing and celebrating the work Probation does throughout Ventura County to restore trust, create hope, and provide accountability and opportunity for justice-involved individuals.

“This week, we recognize and celebrate the important role probation professionals play in local justice systems throughout our nation.  Now more than ever before, probation agencies are at the forefront of leading systemic change in criminal justice practices,” said Probation Chief Mark Varela.