Tag: Ventura County Department of Airports

Bilingual report — Ventura County Department of Airports Acknowledges Community Survey; Results Align with Department’s Current Path

The City of Camarillo recently surveyed residents with questions about the Camarillo Airport operated by the County of Ventura Department of Airports. The results of the survey were presented at the January 12, 2021 Camarillo City Council meeting. “We really appreciate the community input about the airport. The County of Ventura is committed to working with the City and community members to seek a collective vision for the best use of the airport,” said County Executive Officer Mike Powers.  

“I am pleased our Director of Airports was able to attend the Council meeting last night to hear the presentation of the survey results firsthand. While the County manages operations at Camarillo Airport, we continue to recognize the City of Camarillo as the host City and strive to partner with them in every way possible,” said Ventura County Supervisor Kelly Long. “As a Camarillo resident, I especially appreciate this partnership and the airport’s efforts to be a good neighbor when it comes to noise and overall operations.”  

Bilingual report — Camarillo and Oxnard Airport Master Plan Update

The Ventura County Department of Airports would like to thank community members who participated in the public workshop that was recently conducted to kick off the Camarillo and Oxnard Airport Master Plan update. Based on the feedback received to date, the Department has decided to pause the Master Plan process for a period of approximately one year or more if needed to broaden community engagement.

The intent of the Airport Master Plan Update is to both share information and listen to community members to seek their input and vision for how the two County owned Airports should serve our local communities and region. The County hopes to have a shared understanding through broadened engagement, of the community’s concerns and interests in how the Airports are being planned and operated to best serve all in our communities.