Tag: Ventura County Coastal Association of Realtors

Ventura County Coastal Association of Realtors install officers, honor outstanding service

VENTURA COUNTY — Camarillo resident Rebeca Elliott, an agent with Comfort Real Estate, was installed at the 2025 President of the Ventura County Coastal Association at the annual Installation Event on Jan. 16 along with this year’s officers and directors.

Elliott has been a Realtor for over 20 years after serving as a flight attendant for United Airlines and the administrative assistant to the CEO of Tenet Health Care, which was then based in Santa Barbara.

“They decided to relocate to Texas and the CEO asked if I wanted to relocate as well, and I said no,” Elliott recalled. “Soon after, I saw an ad about getting a real estate license, and I thought that would be a fun career move. I passed the test, and here I am – loving it.”

Camarillo broker installed as Realtor association president

CAMARILLO — Camarillo resident Cami Pinsak was recently installed as the 2024 president of the Ventura County Coastal Association of Realtors. Pinsak is the broker-owner of Realty ONE Group Summit, which has offices in Camarillo and Ventura, and has been a Realtor for nearly 18 years.

A Camarillo resident since 1999, Pinsak has been part of the VCCAR leadership team since 2017 when she was first elected to the association’s Board of Directors. She has also served as VCCAR’s treasurer, first vice president and president-elect. She is also a director for the statewide California Association of Realtors and was named VCCAR’s Broker/Manager of the Year Award in 2016.

Pedro Chavez Receives Real Estate Industry Recognition

Earlier this year, a member of the Ventura County Coastal Association of Realtors also known as VCCAR received the inaugural Good Neighbor Award. The Good Neighbor of the Year may be given to a REALTOR® or Affiliate member who has made exceptional contributions to improve the quality of life in their local community. This award brings to the forefront the positive difference our members make in giving back to their communities. The Good Neighbor of the Year receives a $1,000 donation to the charitable organization they work with. The first recipient of this inaugural award was, Pedro. A Chavez, Sales Manager at Caliber Home Loans and a member in good standing of the Ventura County Coastal Association of Realtors.