Over decades, the Livable Communities Newsletter has reported on issues that support livable communities in Ventura County. We have been positive and hopeful. However, we all know that nothing is perfect. Some of Ventura County’s road to being a true livable community must include a discussion about what is not going well. In this edition we will cover three elements along the path that are at times struggling:
1. Real help to make housing affordable
The State Legislature in Sacramento has been passing laws with the goal of building more housing throughout California. None of the bills that were signed into law require that any of the housing that will be “built”, “expedited”, or “encouraged” has to meet affordability standards.
2. Good density versus bad density
Boston architect and urban designer Michael Dennis: “Some tall buildings are necessary for density. Tall buildings are not necessarily bad—though most are.”
3. Converting office buildings to housing
Converting empty office space to housing—especially in modern buildings with large floor plates—will be very difficult and costly. “Colleagues with greater knowledge of office building construction informed me that the building types and their mechanical systems might not be easily retrofitted for residential,” says architect and urban designer Laurence Qamar.
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