Tag: U.S. Navy’s Civil Engineer Corps’ Chris Kurgan

Bilingual report — Ventura County Public Works Agency Appoints New Director of Roads & Transportation

Ventura County Public Works Agency (VCPWA) has named retired U.S. Navy’s Civil Engineer Corps’ Chris Kurgan, to the position of Director of Roads & Transportation. In his new role Chris will oversee the building, operating and maintaining of the public’s billion-dollar investment in the county road system. He will also be responsible for the public transit needs for the county’s unincorporated areas.

“I am very excited to join the Ventura County Public Works Agency as the Director of Roads and Transportation. After serving 31 years in the U.S. Navy and being assigned here four times, I look forward to serving the citizens of the county and those who serve to make our community a better place to live,” said Kurgan.

Chris served in the U.S. Navy’s Civil Engineer Corps for 31 years, and before retiring as Captain he served as the Commanding Officer of the Navy’s Civil Engineer Corps Officer’s school and Center for Seabees and Facilities Engineering where he was responsible for the technical, character, and leadership development training for nearly 30,000 Facilities Engineer professionals and tradesmen. During his Navy career, he was responsible for the public works, transportation, environmental, capital improvements, and real estate responsibilities of the Navy across 11 northwest states.