Tag: Trial of Derek Chauvin

Bilingual report — Statement from County Executive Officer Michael Powers Regarding Guilty Verdicts in the Trial of Derek Chauvin

/// in Minneapolis a jury found Derek Chauvin guilty of all three counts for the murder of George Floyd. Our hearts go out to George Floyd’s family and to the families and communities across our country who have experienced racial injustice and horrific violence. Today, justice was served. There cannot be healing without justice and there is still much work to do to create true justice that prevents senseless killings.

Today’s decision does not minimize the pain or solve issues of hate, but it can mark the beginning of community healing and real change across our nation. Police brutality cannot be tolerated. I appreciate our local partnership with law enforcement and the leadership of our Sheriff and District Attorney in their commitment to racial justice. This tragic incident underscores the need for law enforcement to continue to be a partner in the community. Now more than ever is a time to come together to listen, communicate and engage in order for us to move toward an equitable society. We must address the unacceptable continued violence and hate toward people of color and commit to using our individual and collective voices to end the divisiveness of racial injustice.