Tag: The District House

March 15 — The District House presents Larry Norris from Decriminalize Nature

Larry Norris, PhD, studied biopsychology and cognitive science as an undergraduate at the University of Michigan, and defended his doctoral dissertation at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS). His dissertation research reviewed archived ayahuasca experience reports to identify transformational archetypes and insights that could help inform developing models of integration (meaning-making).

July 12 — Meet Isabel Campanelli and learn about ‘Doing the Work’

Topic: “Love & Relationship Coach – Doing the Work: What is it really?”

When: Wednesday, July 12th; 5pm Networking; 6:30pm Speaker

Where: LoDo Studios, 216 E. Gutierrez Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
(Please only park across the street on the Office Max side of the lot.)

FREE for Members & Guests Welcome to purchase $50 tickets.

NOTE: We will be filming the speaker for the District216 Change Your Lens Series. Refreshments provided.