Tag: Teatro de las Américas

Teatro de las Américas — Taller de Cine 2025 | Vision Board | Kid’s Workshop

¡Comenzamos el 11 de enero!
Taller de Cine 2025
Proyecto cooperativo en español para realizar un corto de ficción de aproximadamente 15 minutos de duración en el que los participantes idearán, escribirán, actuarán y producirán una película original a lo largo de 12 sesiones semanales

Teatro de las Américas — iStarELA opening Dec. 7


Opening night for iStarELA is almost here and we’d love for you to join us! Your support means the world to us, and we can’t wait to share this special moment with you!

Warm regards,

Teatro De Las Americas

Obra en español con subtítulos en ingles /

Play in Spanish with English subtitles

Escrita y Dirigida por/

Written and Directed by

Saúl Escobedo

Presentaciones / Shows:

Diciembre / December 2024

Viernes y sábados /Fridays and Saturdays:

7, 13, 14, 20, 21 – 7:00 p.m.

Boletos/Tickets: General $15.00

Teatro de las Américas

321 W. 6th Street, Oxnard, CA


Teatro de las Américas — Heard the buzz about Teatro De Las Americas’s production of Nos Traen Cortitos 2024?

Have you heard the buzz about Teatro De Las Americas’s spectacular production of Nos Traen Cortitos 2024? It’s an event you absolutely can’t miss! Secure your seat today by grabbing your tickets online. Join us for an unforgettable experience!

Teatro de las Américas — Heard the buzz about Teatro De Las Americas’s production of Luchadora!?

Have you heard the buzz about Teatro De Las Americas’s spectacular production of Luchadora!? It’s an event you absolutely can’t miss! Secure your seat today by grabbing your tickets online. Join us for an unforgettable experience!

Teatro de las Américas — Theatrical exercises end of course presentation | Prácticas Teatrales, presentación de fin de cursos

Come to the end-of-course presentation of the THEATRICAL PRACTICES of the Teatro de las Américas as part of our First Jueves activities

Throughout the month of July, THEATRICAL PRACTICES coordinated by Juan Pablo Yah Yah were carried out in which the participants, some with, others without theater experience, performed exercises and dynamics to fine-tune their theater techniques.

Bilingual report — Teatro de las Américas — La Fiesta de Margaret (June 29) | Prácticas Teatrales | Luchadora! CASTING CALL

Let’s Celebrate our Friend

Margaret Cortese

Historic Director of Teatro de las Américas.

The party will be held Saturday June 29 From 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. At Teatro’s facilities at

321 W. 6th Street, Oxnard, CA

Please bring a dish to share

Teatro de las Américas — Paul and Raquel Fundraiser event on May 16| Nos Traen Cortitos | Salsa Classes on April 13| Adan Eva y la Otra CANCELLED

This show is part of a special fundraiser event for the Oxnard Housing Authority Education Scholarship Program. The Education Scholarship Program is a program that provides scholarships to students in Public Housing or in the Section 8 Program. Our production Paul & Raquel will be part of the entertainment for the evening.

Teatro de las Américas — WHY WAIT UNTIL OPENING NIGHT?

Purchase tickets online today—it’s quick and easy!

Adán, Eva y la otra
Presented By Teatro De Las Americas

Apr 5th 2024, 7:00 PM
Apr 6th 2024, 7:00 PM
Apr 7th 2024, 7:00 PM
Apr 12th 2024, 7:00 PM
Apr 13th 2024, 7:00 PM
Apr 14th 2024, 7:00 PM
Apr 19th 2024, 7:00 PM
Apr 20th 2024, 7:00 PM
Apr 21st 2024, 7:00 PM


Teatro de las Américas — Taller de Cine 2024 | Vision Board | Kids Workshop


Realizar un corto de ficción mostrando al público el proceso de producción en tiempo real.

¿Qué es?

El Taller de cine del Teatro de las Américas es una mezcla de tutorial, detrás de cámaras, live streaming, documental y reality show.

Es un proyecto cooperativo en español en el que los participantes idearán, escribirán, producirán y actuarán en una película original.

Teatro de las Américas — iStarELA. La pastorela | Muestra de cortos en español | Karaoke Night

iStarELA es la lectura en atril de la pastorela del Teatro de las Américas totalmente en español.

Es noche buena y los “pastorcitos” alrededor del mundo hacen fila para conseguir su dispositivo móvil que representa la gloria y la salvación. Guiados por la estrella de iStar, la división de tecnología de una gran corporación, estos consumidores ansiosos responden a las estrategias mercadológicas generadas en el cuartel general de la compañía. Todo parece estar saliendo de acuerdo a lo planeado excepto en la tienda iStar de Oxnard, donde la fila ha sido dispersada por culpa de una pareja de inmigrantes ilegales, una ‘influencer’ fuera de control y unos ‘homeless’ desprevenidos y un par de usuarios de los productos de iStar que muestran un poco de humanidad.

Bilingual report — Teatro de las Américas — El viaje de los esqueletos | PRESENTACIÓN ESPECIAL ***Día de los Muertos***

Este jueves 2 de noviembre ven a la función especial de El Viaje de los Esqueletos como parte del Paseo de las Artes de Oxnard (Oxnard Art Crawl)

Pre-show con: Rudy Razo (poeta chicano) y Araceli Collazo (cantante) a partir de las 7:00 p.m.

¡Deliciosos buñuelos y champurrado a la venta!

Presentación en exteriores en la parte trasera del teatro. Ven preparado con ropa invernal o tu cobijita, sarape o poncho favorito.

Teatro de las Américas — Skip the line on opening night (Oct. 27): Buy your El viaje de los esqueletos tickets now!


Visit our website and online box office!

El viaje de los esqueletos
Presented By Teatro De Las Americas

Oct 27th 2023, 7:00 PM

Oct 28th 2023, 7:00 PM

Oct 29th 2023, 2:00 PM

Nov 2nd 2023, 7:00 PM

Nov 3rd 2023, 7:00 PM

Nov 4th 2023, 7:00 PM

Nov 5th 2023, 2:00 PM

Nov 10th 2023, 7:00 PM

Nov 11th 2023, 7:00 PM

Nov 12th 2023, 2:00 PM

Teatro de las Américas — Karaoke Night! (Sept. 16); ‘The Journey of the Skeletons / El viaje de los esqueletos’ (Oct. 27 through Nov. 12)

Afina tu garganta y ven a divertirte en la esperada Karaoke Night del teatro de las Américas. Organizado por voluntarios y amigos del teatro. Disfruta de un refresco o una copa de vino mientras escuchas las canciones favoritas de la voz de amigos que esta noche se convertirán en grandes cantantes y coopera con el Teatro de las Américas para que haya más teatro en español en Oxnard.

Practice your singing and come and have fun at the long-awaited Karaoke Night at the Teatro de las Américas. This event is organized by volunteers and friends of the theater. Enjoy a soft drink or a glass of wine while listening to the favorite songs of the voice of friends who will become great singers tonight and cooperate with the Theater of the Americas so that there is more theater in Spanish in Oxnard

Bilingual report — Teatro de las Américas — Juguetones (5, 8, 12 de agosto), Entre Pancho Villa y una Mujer Desnuda (11 y 12 de agosto)

Teatro de las Américas presenta para la familia un espectáculo lleno de humor, títeres, payasos, magia, y misterio.

Escrito por el grupo cómico del Teatro de las Américas con: James Donlon, Alina Cenal, Albert Smith, Mateo Escobedo y Óscar Marrón. Dirigido por James Donlon.


Teatro de las Américas presents a show full of humor, puppets, clowns, magic, and mystery for the family.

Written by the comedy group of the Theater of the Americas with: James Donlon, Alina Cenal, Albert Smith, Mateo Escobedo and Oscar Brown. Directed by James Donlon.

Teatro de las Américas — Prácticas teatrales | Teatro Summer Camp

In this summer camp, girls and boys will be able to approach scenic expression in a fun way in a bilingual environment, led by the experienced actress and teacher Alina Ceñal. At the end of the course, the group will present the play Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to show what they have learned in this fun adventure in which they will put all their talents into play.

Bilingual report — Teatro de las Américas Summer Camp | Karaoke Night!

En este campamento de verano, niñas y niños podrán acercarse a la expresión escénica de una manera divertida en un entorno bilingüe, de la mano de la experimentada actriz y maestra Alina Ceñal. Al final del curso, el grupo presentará la obra Charlie y la fábrica de chocolates para mostrar lo aprendido en esta divertida aventura en que pondrán en juego todo su talento.


In this summer camp, girls and boys will be able to approach scenic expression in a fun way in a bilingual environment, led by the experienced actress and teacher Alina Ceñal. At the end of the course, the group will present the play Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to show what they have learned in this fun adventure in which they will put all their talents into play.

Teatro de las Américas — Clases de actuación bilingües para adultos

Impartidas por/Taught by:
James Donlon and Alina Cenal

Máximo de 10 estudiantes
10 Students Max.

8 Sesiones/Sessions 7pm – 9pm

Martes/Tuesdays: May 11, 18, 25, June 1, 8
Jueves/Thursdays. May 30, June 6, 13

Costo/Fee: $75

Desarrolla habilidades en texto, movimiento, voz e improvisación que todo actor debe tener.
¡Sé una fuerza sobre el escenario!

Develop skills in text, movement, voice and improvisation every actor should know.
Be a force on stage!

Aug. 11-12 — Teatro de las Américas — Will you be at opening night for Entre Pancho Villa y una mujer desnuda?

Congratulations to everyone who has worked so hard to bring this production to life. Break a leg!

Entre Pancho Villa y una mujer desnuda
Presented By Teatro De Las Americas

Aug 11th 2023, 7:00 PM
Aug 12th 2023, 7:00 PM

Through Oct. 22 — Teatro de las Américas presents Romantic comedy ‘Stage Kiss’

Theatrikos brings the romantic comedy Stage Kiss to the Flagstaff stage. A kiss is not just a kiss in this whirlwind knockabout farce. When two actors with a history are thrown together as leads in a 1930s romantic comedy, they quickly lose touch with reality.

“This play is so much fun for the cast, as they get to play both real-life actors and characters in a play-within-a-play. When the actors really enjoy doing a play, the audience enjoys it, too. You can expect to have a rollicking good time at the theatre,” said director Stan Sutherland.

15 de diciembre — Bilingual report — Teatro de las Américas — ‘Nuri’, corto cinematográfico de nuestro Taller de Cine

Cortometraje en español con subtítulos en inglés realizado durante el Taller de Cine del Teatro de las Américas.

Short Film in Spanish with English subtitles made during the Film Workshop of the Teatro de las Américas.

Teatro de las Américas — Curso-Taller para niños/Kids Workshop | ¡Jimmie… continúa este fin de semana!



October 19 – December 14 (no class Nov 23)





Ages 7-15  



(Scholarships available)

More info:

805 341-3837


Bilingual report — Statement from City of Oxnard on the Passing of Supervisor Carmen Ramirez

Community groups, organizations including Teatro de las Américas and Gold Coast Health Care Plan, pay tribute to long-time public servant and community leader.

OXNARD — With great sadness Oxnard Mayor John C. Zaragoza and the City Council join the community in mourning the loss of Supervisor Carmen Ramirez, who passed away Friday evening following injuries she sustained as a pedestrian involved in a vehicle collision. 

Supervisor Ramirez, who served on the Oxnard City Council for ten years prior to being elected Ventura County’s District 5 Supervisor in 2020, was a fierce advocate for Oxnard and worked steadfastly to represent the diverse voices in her beloved City. Prior to being elected to the Council in 2010, she worked as a longtime legal aid attorney serving low-income communities in Ventura County. 

Said Mayor Zaragoza, “I offer my sincere condolences to her husband, Roy Prince, and her family. We will miss Carmen tremendously. We worked together often, while I was serving as Supervisor and she was Oxnard’s Mayor Pro Tem, and this camaraderie continued when she was elected Supervisor and I served as Mayor. She was passionate about environmental justice and creating a better future for our City. Her kindness, love and deep compassion for the community was felt by everyone. She will be dearly missed.”

Teatro de las Americas — ¡Roma al final de la vía en YouTube!

Es un gran gusto compartir el video de nuestro montaje de Roma al final de la vida. Gracias a su autor, Daniel Serrano, por permitirnos publicar esta documentación.

It is a pleasure to share with you the video of Roma at the End of the Line at Teatro de las Américas. Thanks to the author of the play, Daniel Serrano for letting us make this video available to the public.



Teatro de las Américas announces Santa Paula Theater Center Auditions

FRIENDLY VALLEY will play from April 8th-April 24th, 2022 with performances on Friday and Saturday Evenings at 8:00 PM and Sunday Matinees at 2:30 PM. No appointments necessary, cold readings from the script. This is a non- equity production. THERE IS NO PAY. Inquiries about auditions and play may be directed to Elixeo Flores at elixeo@gmail.com.

*All personnel, including actors, must be vaccinated to enter the theater.

Teatro de las Américas — Casting Call- High Street Arts Center in Moorpark

The High Street Arts Center in Moorpark
Click Here
is currently looking to cast several roles in their production of
In the Heights
Kevin Rosario – Baritone (to E4) – Late 30’s to early 50’s.
Abuela Claudia – Alto belter (F#3 to C5) In her late 60’s to 70’s, but can be played by a younger actor in 40s-50s and aged up to look older.
Also casting, Men’s dancing ensemble ages 18-30s.

Through May 8 — Bilingual report — Teatro de las Américas to present ‘Obras de un Acto’ (One Acts)

Esta obra reflexiona sobre la interacción entre las relaciones humanas, la burocracia y el significado de la vida y la muerte. Un hombre se embarca en el último viaje de su vida, solo para ser confrontado por una enfermera que desafía su existencia y cómo tener equipaje nunca ha sido más importante.

Teatro de las Américas — Opening Weekend! ‘Cumbia de mi corazón’ Oct. 29 – 31 and more events

Cumbia de mi corazón, written by Toby Campion and directed by Robert Sánchez, offers an unflinching, intimate glimpse into the world of the beyond. Heriberto, an 80-year-old fisherman, although not condemned to punishment, has deprived himself of heaven for love, patiently waiting in purgatory until he reunites with his beloved wife, Maruca.

Bilingual report — Teatro de las Américas to present ‘Cumbia de mi corazón’ Oct. 29 through Nov. 14

Cumbia de mi corazón, written by Toby Campion and directed by Robert Sánchez, offers an unflinching, intimate glimpse into the world of the beyond. Heriberto, an 80-year-old fisherman, although not condemned to punishment, has deprived himself of heaven for love, patiently waiting in purgatory until he reunites with his beloved wife, Maruca.

Updated dates — Teatro de las Américas — Acting Class for Adults / Clase de Actuación para adultos

Welcome fellow Thespians! Join Director Robert Sánchez who will help you unlock your inner child by using your imagination. This acting class will focus on beginning performance techniques by introducing three basic tools an actor has in his/her repertoire: the body, voice, and imagination while exploring movement through improvisation, games, improvised scenes, dialogue, monologues, and self-awareness in an honest and believable way. 

Teatro de las Américas — We are open! / !Estamos abiertos!

As you probably know Teatro has its own home at 321 W. 6th Street in downtown Oxnard. We continue to be very grateful to Pablo García and his construction company which did a great job of converting a building that had been empty for 10 years into a small and intimate Teatro space. We are happy to be here and are getting very active, especially as the COVID pandemic is coming under control. You will be receiving announcements about all the activities soon, if not already.

Teatro de las Américas — Summer Events at Teatro

Summer Theatre Camp

Spots still available!

In person 2-Week Summer Theatre Camp with Ms. Alina.

June 28-July 9 (no camp Jul 5)

9 AM -12 PM

LIVE Performance July 9 at 2 PM

Fee: $90 / Scholarships available

Where: 321 W 6th St., Oxnard

For registration Call or Email Alina



Teatro de las Américas to present ‘Summer Theatre Camp’

Teatro de las Americas to present a “Summer Theatre Camp” Monday through Friday from 90 a.m. to noon, June 28 through July 9 (no camp July 5), at 321 W. 6th St., Oxnard

A Live Performance will be held at 2 p.m. Friday, July 9.

Open to your ages 7 to 15, with 16 students for the in-person camp.

Cost is $90, but scholarships are available.