Tag: Supervisor Bob Huber

Bilingual report — Ventura County Supervisors Parks, Huber prepare for retirement after collectively serving 24 years

As the County of Ventura prepares to welcome two new faces to the Board of Supervisors at the January 10th meeting, the focus now lies on honoring Supervisors Linda Parks and Bob Huber for their distinguished service to the County and its communities. While they have collectively served as members of the Board for 24 years, their commitment to Ventura County extends well beyond their time at the helm of local leadership.

Elected to represent District 2 in 2002, Parks immediately tackled issues related to fiscal policies and environmental justice. She was no stranger to the needs of Ventura County, having previously served as Planning Commissioner, City Council member, and Mayor for the City of Thousand Oaks. Her most noted accomplishments include leading fiscal policy to establish a 15 percent reserve fund that has taken Ventura County from no reserves in 2002 to $160 million in reserve funds today.