Tag: Suicide

Hospice of Santa Barbara shares Important Insights about those who have lost a loved one to suicide

SANTA BARBARA — Suicide is a leading cause of death among young people in the United States and approximately 1 million people die by suicide globally each year. 

Suicide is one of the top ten leading causes of death across all age groups. Worldwide, suicide ranks among the three leading causes of death among adolescents and young adults. 

Losing a loved to suicide is one of life’s most painful experiences. The feelings of loss, sadness, and loneliness experienced after any death of a loved one are often magnified in suicide survivors by feelings of guilt, confusion, rejection, shame, anger, and the effects of stigma and trauma.  

Furthermore, survivors of suicide loss are at higher risk of developing major depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, suicidal behaviors, and a prolonged form of grief called complicated grief. Thus, survivors may require unique supportive measures and targeted treatment to cope with their loss. 

Bilingual commentary: The Alarming Rise of Suicide Rates

Editor’s note: Amigos805 welcomes local guest columns, letters to the editor and other submissions from our readers. All opinions expressed in submitted material are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of Amigos805. By David Magallanes •…