Tag: Study Abroad

SBCC celebrates 50 years of its life-changing Study Abroad program on Oct. 24

SANTA BARBARA — On Tuesday, Oct. 24, Santa Barbara City College (SBCC) and the SBCC Foundation will host a celebration commemorating the 50-year anniversary of its Study Abroad program, which has afforded college students the invaluable opportunity to visit and learn in countries outside of the U.S. Tuesday’s celebration is sponsored by the SBCC Foundation and will be held on the patio of the Garvin Theatre on SBCC’s West campus.

“Study abroad provides students with a unique opportunity to learn about different cultures and perspectives, to broaden their horizons, to make friends from around the world, and to enhance their intercultural competency while earning transferable credits and progressing on their academic path,” said Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, School of Extended Learning and longtime director of the Study Abroad program Carola Smith.“Students acquire important skills such as intercultural communication skills, language proficiency, adaptability and problem-solving skills.”