Tag: student voting

Statistics show dramatic increase in CSUCI student voting

If statistics from the 2020 election are any indication, CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) students are very likely to show up at the polls for the critical 2022 midterm elections.

According to The National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement (NSLVE) out of Tufts University, CSUCI voting rates increased from 55% showing up at the polls in 2016 to 77% in 2020, a 22% point increase.

“Voting rates across the state increased during this period, also, from 59% in 2016 to 71% in 2020, but this was only a 12% point increase, compared with CSUCI’s 22% increase,” said CSUCI Director of Institutional Research & Chief Data Officer Matt Zivot, Ph.D. “This is an indication that the gains we saw at CSUCI reflected the hard work done by the Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) team, over and above a general change in voter interest and universal voting by mail.”

CSUCI launches competition in California College and University Ballot Bowl with Civic Engagement Week

CAMARILLO — CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) Student Government is leading the charge to encourage students to register, vote and become an active participant in their community. “I think it’s fantastic,” said Political Science Lecturer Tim Allison, J.D., who has been advising the…