Tag: STEM Club for Middle Schoolers

Second Session of Southeast Ventura County YMCA STEM Club For Middle Schoolers Begins January 19

The Southeast Ventura County YMCA and the Columbia Memorial Space Center’s second unit of their STEM Club for local middle schoolers begins January 19 online. The session focuses on solar chemistry and runs through March 26.

Middle schoolers meet online Tuesday through Thursday from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Southeast Ventura County YMCA and Columbia Memorial Space Center Join Forces On New STEM Club For Middle Schoolers

The Southeast Ventura County YMCA and the Columbia Memorial Space Center have collaborated on a new advanced STEM program for local middle schoolers. The YMCA’s STEM Club begins October 19 with virtual meetings.

The program is divided into three units–Aerospace (October 19 through December 18), Solar Chemistry (January 18 through March 26) and 3D Printing and Robotics (April 12 through June 18). Club members meet Monday through Thursday from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (virtually and when approved, in person).