Tag: Scott Jones

Fall OLLI lineup at CSUCI includes all about baseball from a former Red Sox coach and cautionary tales from the Roman empire

CAMARILLO — A divided populace, immigration problems and attacks on political and legal institutions. Sound familiar? Yes, that’s the current political climate in the U.S., but it’s also very similar to that of the Roman Empire just before 27 B.C., according to Getty Museum docent and retired U.S. Navy captain Scott Jones.

Scott Jones.
“All of those hot button issues in Rome are hot button issues for us today,” Jones said.

Jones, an expert on the Roman empire, is one of the experts teaching one of the 11 classes offered in for the CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)’s Fall semester. Each class meets once a week for six weeks, either virtually or in person or a combination of both.