Tag: school-aged children

Ventura County Grand Jury Announces Release of the Mental Health Services and Wellness Centers in Ventura County Schools Report

Across America, school-aged children are experiencing an unprecedented mental health crisis. One in three high school students report persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness. In Ventura County, between 2017 and 2019, one of six students in grades 7, 9, and 11 considered suicide. Half of all mental illness presents itself by age 14, yet few children get the services they need. There is a shortage of sustainable resources addressing mental health concerns among school-aged youth.

The 2021-2022 Ventura County Grand Jury investigated the resources used by the Ventura County Office of Education, Ventura County Behavioral Health, and five Ventura County public school districts to meet the mental health needs of school-aged youth. These school districts represent more than 60% of the County’s public-school population.