Tag: Scholarship Application Requirements

Ventura College Foundation Revises Scholarship Application Requirements; Removes Barriers To Applying

The Ventura College Foundation has revised its scholarship application requirements. The changes are designed to remove barriers to applying. The revisions were approved by the foundation board and are effective immediately.

“We reviewed our scholarship program outcome data, researched best practices for scholarship providers along the lines of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and conducted a student forum to receive feedback from students who had previously gone through the scholarship application process. We heard from many that the old requirements presented unrealistic barriers that prevented them from applying,” says Amy Cherot, chair of the foundation’s Scholarships & Grants Committee.  “We’re always looking for ways to better serve Ventura College students and to improve diversity and equity in our scholarship application process.”

One of the significant changes to the scholarship application requirements is that instead of requiring applicants to have completed 12 Ventura College credits by the end of the fall semester in which they are applying, they will have had to complete at least six credits. Credits earned in previous semesters at the college count toward the minimum unit requirement.