Tag: Santa Barbara Latino Giving Circle (SBLGC)

Santa Barbara Latino Philanthropic Leaders Raise Over $15K to Support Board Leadership Development and Invite New Members to join the 2022 Giving Cycle

The Santa Barbara Latino Giving Circle (SBLGC) announced that it will invest over $15,500 in three nonprofits in the greater Santa Barbara region. The SBLGC is part of the Latino Community Foundation’s (LCF) Latino Giving Circle Network™, a philanthropic group harnessing the collective power of paying it forward and civic engagement.

The three organizations selected for funding fall into the group’s priorities of board leadership development and mental health: 

Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy (Santa Barbara) – CAUSE is a base-building organization for social, economic and environmental justice with Central Coast working class and immigrant communities.

Future Leaders of America (Santa Maria) – develops youth resiliency and leadership to create long-lasting systemic change by empowering and mobilizing youth leaders to advocate for policies that improve their lives and the lives of their peers and their communities.

Leading from Within (Santa Barbara) – Leading From Within invests in leaders who drive and create change.