Tag: Safeport Cannabis Dispensary

May 21 — Ventura Land Trust Hosts Community Volunteer Event with SafePort and Topa Topa Brewing Company

On Saturday, May 21st from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, Ventura Land Trust (VLT) will partner with Safeport Cannabis Dispensary and Topa Topa Brewing Company for a community volunteer event at Harmon Canyon Preserve. As many as 75 community volunteers will work to remove dense stands of invasive plant species at the preserve. 

This collaborative community volunteer event is a project of VLT’s Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program (WHIP). Invasive plants like black mustard and milk thistle are choking Harmon Canyon Preserve trails and areas of the preserve recently restored with native plants. Black mustard, which grows up to six feet tall, becomes fuel for wildfires as it dries out on the summer. Community support is needed to help uproot large sections of invasive plants before seeds are produced and spread in late summer and fall.