Tag: RJ Associates

Guest commentary — History in Real Time. Helping Ukrainian Refugees

She held up her cell phone so I could read it.  The Google translator function transcribed from Ukrainian into Spanish, “Gracias por tu trabajo.”  In English: “thank you for your work.”  She put her right hand over her heart and patted her chest several times as she closed her eyes.  Her appreciation overwhelmed me.  My eyes watered up.  I had only handed her a cup of hot coffee.

My husband, Ron, and I have recently returned from 10 days in Pozuela, Spain, about 8 Km. from Madrid.  It’s the site of World Central Kitchen’s (WCK) food operation for the Ukrainian refugees who have flooded this area  The Spanish government is providing short-term on-site hotel accommodations for about 3 to 5 days while the refugees receive new identification cards and papers that will allow them to stay in Spain.  They wait for an available apartment or room from gracious hosts in many towns throughout the country.