Tag: register to vote

Commentary — Registering to vote (Oct. 19) deadline looming

Thank you to all those in the 805 region who have completed their U.S. Census surveys.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled this week that the census count officially ended on Oct. 15. …

The high response rate will help the 805 region receive more federal funding for education, roads, health care, public safety and other projects and increase the number of representatives we have in Congress.


Now, time to register to vote

Guest Commentary — Which Way America, Democracy or Tyranny?

I am a Mexican immigrants, who along with my entire family, I entered into the United States in 1958. I became a naturalized citizen of this country in 1997. The very first time I was eligible to vote, I voted, and I have been voting in local and national election ever since. All immigrants, no matter what part of the world we come from cherish our American citizenship. Not all of us however vote and that is a shame because some of us still think that our one vote does not matter. Our singular vote won’t make a damn bit of difference, and that my dear reader is how we got into some of this mess in the first place. So come November 3, 2020 vote, your VOTE matters!

Commentary — No time to stop filling out U.S. Census form, registering to vote

The year 2020 will go down as one of the most challenging years this nation has faced. A continuing pandemic, large nationwide demonstrations for civil rights, a contentious election campaign season — all during a time when the nation was attempting to complete the 2020 Census.

Now, there is word that the Sept. 30 deadline to complete the Census may be pushed back to its original Oct. 31, 2020 pandemic-altered deadline: Please see — CNN —  Federal judge orders nationwide 2020 census counting to continue through October 31.

But since the ruling is subject to appeal, and nothing else appears predictable during 2020, it would be best to continue to fill out those Census forms as quickly as possible.

Commentary — Community comes together to urge Latinos to complete Census, register to vote

From children performing from the Inlakech Cultural Arts Center and email messages from El Concilio Family Resources, both in Oxnard, to a commentary by the co-founder of the Acuna Art Gallery and Community Collective, the Latino community is coming out to support the twin goals of completing U.S. Census forms by Sept. 30, 2020 and doing everything possible to make sure your vote counts in during the Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020 general election.

“… So we must all vote, and get every one that is of voting age to vote. We must be guardians of the poll booths to assure that no intimidation of our people is taking place. Must by any means necessary be present at the poll booths to assure that any one that has the right to vote, can exercise that privilege! If you vote by mail it is, of course, imperative that you mail your completed ballot as quickly as possible so that every vote can be counted,” wrote Armando Vazquez, of the former Café on A Street / Acuna Art Gallery, in a column this week on Amigos805.