Tag: Pulitzer Prize-winning academic Jared Diamond

‘Guns, Germs and Steel’ author to kick off Temple Etz Chaim’s speaker series

THOUSAND OAKS — Temple Etz Chaim in Thousand Oaks is pleased to announce its 2023 community speaker series, Our World Evolving: Global Thought Leaders in Our Community.

This series of socially relevant conversations with modern thought leaders, authors and scholars will kick off July 16 with Pulitzer Prize-winning academic Jared Diamond. Named one of the world’s Top 10 Public Intellectuals by Foreign Policy, Diamond is a historian and geographer best known for his popular nonfiction trilogy that began with the release of his groundbreaking book, “Guns, Germs, and Steel,” and concluded with 2019’s “Upheaval.” Diamond will speak on “Societal Development: The History of Everybody for the Last 13,000 Years.”