Tag: Protecting Blue Whales

33 global shipping companies receive awards for reducing speeds off California coast to protect blue whales and blue skies

VENTURA — Shipping companies received awards for reducing speeds in the 2023 “Protecting Blue Whales & Blue Skies” program. The voluntary incentive program ran May 1 through Dec. 15, 2023, to reduce fatal ship strikes to endangered whales, air pollution, regional greenhouse gas emissions and underwater noise.

Thirty-three shipping companies participated, transiting at 10 knots or less in the San Francisco and Monterey Bay and Southern California regions, including Ventura County. Cooperation levels continue to improve in both regions with an overall 81% cooperation rate from participants during the 2023 season, up from 78% in the 2022 season.The number of participants was also greater than any previous year, increasing from 23 shipping companies in 2022.