Tag: Philippe and Arlette Larraburu

CSUCI receives $30 million gift from the estate of longtime supporters

CAMARILLO — CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) has received one of the largest gifts in the history of the University from the estate of Philippe and Arlette Larraburu, two very early supporters of Ventura County’s only four-year public University.

CSUCI is the sole beneficiary of the Larraburu estate, a bequest the couple established in 2001—which ultimately grew into a $30 million gift.

“Words cannot express our tremendous gratitude to the Larraburu family for their trust in our University, backed by a gift that will provide so much for our students,” said CSUCI President Richard Yao. “A gift of this stature is a testament to the power of personal philanthropy and to the fact that CSUCI is a smart investment for donors, community partners, and students alike.”