Tag: Pew Hispanic Center

Commentary: Yes, our national nightmare is almost over. Voting Day is here. Pew Research Center reports on Hispanic voting trends

By Frank X. Moraga / Amigos805 The 2014 election season is rapidly coming to a close. Soon the repetitive television attack advertisements will cease and the growing forest of campaign signs on street corners will disappear — at least until…

Pew Hispanic Center reports on diverse origins of Hispanics

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The nation’s Latino population is diverse. Represented among the 51.9 million Latinos in the United States are individuals who trace their heritage to more than 20 Spanish-speaking nations worldwide. But one group — Mexicans — dominates the nation’s…

Pew Hispanic Center reports Latinos are closing the digital divide

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Latinos own smartphones, go online from a mobile device and use social networking sites at similar, and sometimes higher, rates than do other groups of Americans, according to a new analysis of three Pew Research Center surveys. The…

Pew Hispanic Center reports on Latino voters during 2012 election

Latinos voted for President Barack Obama over Republican Mitt Romney by 71% to 27%, according to an analysis of exit polls by the Pew Hispanic Center, a Project of the Pew Research Center.1 The report was released Wednesday by the Washington,…