Tag: Nov. 3 General Election

Guest commentary — What I Learned About America as a Poll Worker in the 2020 Elections

I volunteered to be a poll worker in the Santa Maria area of Santa Barbara County for the presidential election of 2020. I was assigned to work at Orcutt Junior High School, in the small agricultural city of Orcutt, here is what I learned. …At the end of the final night of poll work, I walked out to my car with a big smile on my face, with the satisfaction of knowing that I had just participated in a very important and sacred part of our American electoral process. And that our team had done a wonderfully honest, transparent, inclusive, and patriotic job.

Letter to the Editor — Election offices to remain active to process all ballots postmarked by Nov. 3

Once the Election Polls close, voters can be assured that the election offices will remain active to process all the ballots that were postmarked by November 3rd.  Ballots properly postmarked will be counted at the elections office through November 20. 

Commentary — YES, Every Vote Counts — VOTE!

Given the news reports out there that the many have not turned in their mail-in ballots, it’s time to remind them about the election of 2016.

YES, EVERY VOTE COUNTS!!!, whether you live in Miami or Oxnard, Detroit or Santa Barbara, Scranton or San Luis Obispo.

Nov. 3 is creeping up fast. If you have a ballot, fill them out ASAP and drop them off at OFFICIAL BALLOT BOXES. It’s too late to use the U.S. Post Office.

Otherwise, plan to take advantage of in-person early voting on Saturday, Oct. 31.

We are so close. VOTE!!!

Get Out the Vote Nationwide #LULACvota

Missed the online registration deadline in your state? Same-day registration is available in-person in the states highlighted above: TURQUOISE – Same-Day Registration during Early Voting Dates ONLY PURPLE – Same-Day Registration on Election Day (November 3) ONLY BLUE – Same-Day Registration during Early Voting AND on Election Day ALASKA – Allows Same-Day registration but ONLY for President and Vice President.

PLEASE NOTE: Same-day registration must typically be done IN PERSON and only at limited locations. An elections official may request a state-issued photo ID and proofs of residency for each new registration. Contact your local / county elections office for specific requirements for same-day voter registration.

Bilingual report — Oxnard Election 2020 Updates — In-Person Voting Starts this Saturday, Oct. 31st

In-person voting will start on Saturday, Oct. 31 and run through Tuesday, Nov. 3. There are currently ten in-person voting locations in Oxnard, listed below.
La votación en persona comenzará el sábado 31 de octubre y se extenderá hasta el martes 3 de noviembre. Actualmente hay diez lugares de votación en persona en Oxnard, que se encuentran a continuación.

Guest commentary — A Votar Mi Gente: Winter in America — Our Vote can bring on a New Day and Save our Democracy

We are in our last days out from the 2020 Presidential elections and the very future of this Democracy is in peril.  We have Trumps’ criminal Republican Party that will stop at nothing to retain tyrannical power and a mealy mouth and pathetically weak Democratic Party that feints outrage cries foul, but is either strategically out maneuverer at every political turn or rolls over like a broken lap dog and refuses to fight Republican political fire with fire. Our national politics are a mess! On November 3, 2020 the people have the critical and solemn hands-on opportunity through our votes to weigh in on the future of this nation, and in the process quite possibly preserve our democracy against the tyrannical forces that threaten to destroy it!

Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Oct. 28 — Ventura County Clerk-Recorder, Registrar of Voters Urges Voters to Return Voted Ballots Ahead of Election Day

Ventura County has record voter registration of 500,062. As of October 28, 223,379 ballots have been returned. County Clerk-Recorder, Registrar of Voters Mark Lunn stated, “I urge voters to return the vote by mail ballot they received early to avoid lines at voting locations and limit contact with others due to COVID-19. Don’t wait until November 3 if you want your vote included in the first results on Election Night.”

Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Oct. 23 — It’s Time to Vote!

View the list of ballot drop off locations at the following link: https://recorder.countyofventura.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/List-of-Drop-Off-Locations-9182020.pdf

View the list of in person voting locations at the following link: