Tag: Nov. 3 election

Commentary — Registering to vote (Oct. 19) deadline looming

Thank you to all those in the 805 region who have completed their U.S. Census surveys.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled this week that the census count officially ended on Oct. 15. …

The high response rate will help the 805 region receive more federal funding for education, roads, health care, public safety and other projects and increase the number of representatives we have in Congress.


Now, time to register to vote

Guest commentary — The Fall of American Democracy and the Rise of White Nationalism and Tyranny: We all saw it Coming!

Get Rid of the Ballots…That is what he said, that is what he will do, and who is going to stop him? We are less that 42 days away from the most cataclysmic, potentially apocalyptic, American election in our lifetime. However the election results turn out, approximately half of the American electorate will be enraged, convinced that the election was rigged. The evil tyrannical genius of Trump, is that in less than four years he has been able to consolidate all federal power under his control and in the process is annihilating all semblance of American democracy. Trump with his tyrannical power grab, along with the considerable help of all his well-placed and well-paid henchmen/women, has turned us all into a pathetic nation of cowards, haters, doubters and conspiracy theorists. Make no mistake all of us, by omission or commission, are responsible for the creation of this monster that now occupies the White House.