Tag: Native Americans

Bilingual commentary — The Tragic Loss of Native American Wisdom and Knowledge

I still remember my fourth-grade teacher, Mrs. Knoll. It was her duty to follow the state tradition that had us studying the California missions. Our homework assignment was to craft a model of a mission of our choice. Mine, as I recall, was Mission San Gabriel Arcángel (Archangel), which was located not too far from my home. In class, we were taught that the “Indians” who worked at the missions were fortunate to have the opportunity to learn from the Catholic priests who taught them Spanish and converted them to Catholicism. The padres looked upon them as “children” and treated them “kindly.”

Bilingual commentary — Native Americans Words and Commercial Sales

In years past, American companies that sell items such as cars, military weapons, food, gasoline, airplanes, baking supplies, and items for personal use found that using Native American words in their product names was good for business. Now, however, some of these companies are taking a second look at their choices. In the current age of cultural awareness, appropriating words from Native American languages is deemed “unseemly,” and in some cases just plain bad for the bottom line.