Tag: My Voice)

Bilingual report — Mi Vida, Mi Voz Community Collaboration Provides Critical Resources for Santa Barbara County Spanish Speaking Community

For years, the Spanish-speaking community has struggled to receive timely, culturally appropriate information related to emerging needs.  A collaboration comprised of local Latino-serving organizations, Mi Vida, Mi Voz (My Life, My Voice) was developed to address this information deficit. After the Covid-19 pandemic hit, Mi Vida, Mi Voz (MVMV) pivoted to address the critical needs related to the crisis. With the pandemic’s disproportionate health and economic impact in the Latino community, this essential formation was and is more relevant than ever

Since spring of 2020, Mi Vida, Mi Voz has been collecting information about community resources in five basic categories: Health; Basic Needs (food, financial support, housing, legal); Mental Health; Children & Families; and Seniors. The emphasis has been on health and basic needs information during the COVID-19 crisis.