Tag: Michelle Jung

Michelle Jung Is “Making Waves” Alongside Erin Hanson’s ‘Colors of California’ at the Santa Paula Art Museum

The Santa Paula Art Museum is open, and its summer exhibitions are causing quite the stir. “Making Waves,” a solo show by Northern California artist Michelle Jung, will open June 5, 2021. Jung, who began painting professionally at age 40, has a particular fondness for the sea as she has lived near the coast—east and west—for much of her life. “Making Waves” is a large-scale, immersive presentation of seascape oil paintings that invites viewers to experience the beauty and drama of the Pacific coast. The exhibit will be on view June 5, 2021, to September 12, 2021. Like all of the Museum’s current exhibits, “Making Waves” will also be available to enjoy online at www.santapaulaartmuseum.org.