Tag: Mesa Tanks Replacement Project

Bilingual report — City of Santa Paula Celebrates Funding for Mesa Tanks Replacement Project

SANTA PAULA — The City of Santa Paula is proud to announce that Congresswoman Julia Brownley presented a check (July 16) for $959,752 to the City of Santa Paula. This significant funding will support the Mesa Tanks Replacement Project, a crucial initiative aimed at ensuring the city’s water infrastructure meets the highest standards of reliability and safety.

The Mesa Tanks Replacement Project is a comprehensive effort to replace two deteriorating water tanks, identified in a 2017 report by the State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water as being in poor condition. The total cost of the project is estimated at $5.5 million.

Mayor Leslie Cornejo expressed her gratitude and highlighted the importance of this project for the community. “This funding underscores our commitment to maintaining clean drinking water sources for the residents of Santa Paula,” said Mayor Cornejo. “By replacing the aging Mesa tanks with new, reinforced structures, we are not only improving our water storage capacity but also enhancing our ability to support our growing community needs and firefighting efforts.”