Tag: Matthew Whitaker

Nov. 17 — UCSB Arts & Lectures presents musician Matthew Whitaker’s Santa Barbara debut

UCSB Arts & Lectures (A&L) presents pianist and composer Matthew Whitaker, Thursday, November 17 at 8:00 p.m. at Campbell Hall. At 10, Matthew Whitaker opened for Stevie Wonder’s induction into the Apollo Theater Hall of Fame. At 15, he became a Yamaha Artist, the youngest musician to join the stellar group of jazz pianists. Now, the 21-year-old composer and pianist – one of the hottest new names in jazz – makes his Santa Barbara debut following two acclaimed albums and a feature on CBS’ 60 Minutes. “I am a musician, who happens to be blind,” says Whitaker. “I have been blessed with a God-given gift and my prayer is that I can continue to be a blessing and inspiration to others.”