Tag: Marlene Velazquez

Angels Foster Care Partners with CWS and Local Foundations to Launch New Kinship Care Program

SANTA BARBARA — Angels Foster Care on July 13 announced the launch of ‘Family & Friends Together’ (FFT), a new kinship care program that provides intensive, trauma-informed multigenerational support to kinship families caring for foster children from birth to age five in Santa Barbara County.

The local nonprofit – which provides safe, stable, loving homes for infants and toddlers in foster care throughout Santa Barbara County and Southern San Luis Obispo County – partnered with Santa Barbara County Child Welfare Services, the Towbes Foundation, the Bower Foundation, the Hazen Foundation and other private donors to launch and fund the new program.

FFT provides case management, referrals, individualized education, and brief therapeutic intervention to kinship caregivers and the children they are fostering.