Rain is on the way, and now is the time to prepare.
The National Weather Service is forecasting the potential for a major storm in Santa Barbara County, expected to arrive as soon as Tuesday night, February 11, 2025. Flooding in low-lying areas and hazardous road conditions are expected countywide. This storm also poses a potential risk for debris flows and significant flooding to residents and businesses within and surrounding the Lake Fire burn scar.
Evacuations are NOT being issued at this time. If you live in or near the Lake Fire Burn Area and are concerned that this storm may cause unsafe conditions to your local roads and home, leave the area before rain starts. Do not wait for an official evacuation notification to leave.??
Public safety officials are keeping a close eye on the incoming storm and working with the National Weather Service. Officials will continue to work together to further assess if protective actions, such as an evacuation warning, evacuation order, or shelter in place are necessary.