Tag: Lyzette Cornejo

From Santa Paula to the halls of the nation’s capital, CSUCI senior learns to be a voice for the vulnerable

When she arrived in Washington D.C. to spend the Fall semester as a Panetta Institute Congressional Intern, CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) Chicana/o Studies major Lyzette Cornejo felt like she didn’t quite belong. 

“I had ‘trespassing syndrome,’” she said. “It’s like the imposter syndrome. You feel like you’re trespassing into the spaces of power. I felt like a trespasser because I’m a woman of color.”  

But it wasn’t long until Cornejo realized she was exactly where she needed to be, and that her voice indeed mattered.  

“I helped in drafting a bill!” Cornejo said. “They weren’t afraid of having an intern involved in the first draft of a bill. They wanted to put my opinion in this bill to make sure every voice was heard. I was so surprised when the senior legislative officer said: ‘What do you think about this?’ My opinion mattered.”