Tag: Los Angeles filmmaker Matthew Crotty

Filmmakers at two different CSUCI events on March 16 show the power of human stories, from war-torn Ukraine to our own communities

A Ventura filmmaker outraged by the Russian war campaign traveled to Ukraine to film the gritty and heartbreaking human toll of the war, as well as the power of hope. Filmmaker Rick Ray will share “Our Stories Matter: Challenges and Visions of Hope from the People of Ukraine” Thursday, March 16 from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Petit Salon on the CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) campus.

Later that day, Emmy award-winning Los Angeles filmmaker Matthew Crotty will be the keynote speaker at a presentation called “Broadcasting the Local: Producing and Preserving Community-Based Histories” from 4 to 6 p.m. in Room 3550 in Del Norte Hall.

The two presentations from filmmakers are completely separate. The Ukrainian film and panel discussion afterward is presented by the Center for Multicultural Engagement and the mission-based centers. The presentation on the importance of collecting stories from our communities is part of a series created by Assistant Professors of History Jacqueline Reynoso and Hanni Jalil.

Both presentations are open to the public.