Tag: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)

CSUCI Computer Science faculty member with connections to nuclear fusion lab’s groundbreaking discovery explains what it means

When CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) Assistant Professor of Computer Science Scott Feister, Ph.D., heard that Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) had achieved “fusion ignition” — a significant step toward clean energy —he sent congratulatory emails to the scientists, many of whom he has known and worked with for years.

“I know the people involved,” Feister said. “I’ve been involved in the wide net of all these people around the world working on these kinds of projects. I think it’s cool that the groups I am associated with are the ones that crossed the threshold.”

Feister has been visiting LLNL in Northern California for years, either to conduct academic research or to observe. And for the last two years, he has led a group of CSUCI undergraduates in a research project funded by one of the major figures at Livermore’s National Ignition Facility (NIF).