OXNARD — La Colonia Youth Summer Mural Program is proud to announce the completion of the 13th mural installment titled ” Preserve Nature’s Treasures and Cultural Legends”.
“Preserve Nature’s Treasures and Cultural Legends ” brings attention to underwater life and an a important landscape and legend in Latino culture. During the summer the youth read, researched and learned about the impact global warming and pollution has on the ocean and earths landscape such as Parque Nacional Iztaccíhuatl-Popocatépetl in Mexico and why we must be responsible citizens and leaders in the community.
This section of the 100+ foot wall the youth have been painting the last 3 summers is the center feature of the wall. The main feature is the legend about Popo and Itza (referring to Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl the volcanoes in Mexico sometimes known as the smoking mountain and sleeping woman). Surrounding the center point is underwater life with a focus on endangered and sea life listed as extinct.