Tag: Introducing Cosmovisión Indígena

Feb. 24 — SBCC’s Atkinson Gallery Art Talk ‘Introducing Cosmovisión Indígena’

SBCC’s Atkinson Gallery, in conjunction with the SBCC Foundation, invites everyone interested in art and science — past and present — to a conversation with the creative team behind its upcoming project and exhibition, “Cosmovisión Indígena: The Intersection of Indigenous Knowledge and Contemporary Art.” 

The group discussion, scheduled via Zoom on Feb. 24 at 4 p.m., will provide the regional community an opportunity to learn about and engage with the project as the research process begins. “Cosmovisión Indígena” will trace the history, science, and contemporary uses of Mesoamerican dyeing and weaving, while exploring the mythology, ritual, and storytelling used to preserve and pass on this traditional knowledge.