Tag: Hutton Parker Foundation

Emergency Child Care Initiative serving additional essential workforce categories

The Emergency Child Care Initiative (ECCI) was established to provide members of the essential workforce with affordable child care options to allow them to continue working in roles that are critical to our local COVID-19 response. Since ECCI was launched in early April, child care programs have been established serving most major health care providers throughout the county, including Cottage Health, Sansum Clinic, Lompoc Valley Medical, and the Community Health Centers of the Central Coast. With those programs firmly established, the Initiative is now shifting attention to other members of the essential workforce. This includes employees in food service, grocery industry, farm workers and agricultural production, nursing homes, sanitation, and other essential workforce professions. Children ages 6 months to 12 years will be prioritized.

Vulnerable Individuals and Families in Santa Barbara County Assisted through COVID-19 Joint Response Effort; also Supports Nonprofits Assisting Those Impacted by Virus

United Way of Santa Barbara County, The Santa Barbara Foundation and the Hutton Parker Foundation are leading a countywide funders’ collaborative, the COVID-19 Joint Response Effort for Santa Barbara County.  The Effort will provide assistance to individuals and families as well as organizations actively assisting members of the community affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Over $2 million has been secured and fundraising continues to help those most in need.

COVID-19 Joint Response Effort for Santa Barbara County Expanded Over $1 Million in Support Pledged to Relief Efforts

SANTA BARBARA COUNTY — The Santa Barbara Foundation, United Way of Santa Barbara County, and the Hutton Parker Foundation are leading a countywide funders’ collaborative with members of the Foundation Roundtable. This COVID-19 Joint Response Effort for Santa Barbara County…