Tag: green jobs

$80,000,000 for Green Jobs & Zero-Emission Operations at the Port of Hueneme

PORT OF HUENEME — Gov. Gavin Newson delivers a historic $80,000,000 to the Port of Hueneme for projects that generate social and economic equity while providing substantial revenue streams to help transform the Port to a zero-emission hub. California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) served as the lead agency for the allocation of $1.5 billion in Port & Freight Infrastructure Program (PFIP) funds approved in the Governor’s 2023-2024 budget on June 30, 2023. CalSTA Secretary Toks Omishakin announced the allocations of this funding to Southern California seaports at a press event hosted at the Port of Long Beach on July 6, 2023.

The Secretary remarked, “It is a historic and momentous day for transportation in California, for ports in California, and, more importantly, for the people of California.  We worked with local partners, we worked with port leaders, we worked with federal officials to come up with a game plan. That game plan included short-term and long-term solutions.”