Tag: Gov. Newsom

Gov. Newsom on Winter Storms: ‘We’re Grateful to Our Thousands of First Responders’

SACRAMENTO – Today, Governor Gavin Newsom thanked first responders for their efforts over the past few weeks to help keep Californians safe during record-breaking winter storms. 

Starting in late January, Governor Newsom directed an all-of-government response to storms that have impacted nearly all residents. The response included over 8,500 boots on the ground to support communities with roadways, flood operations, rescue teams, sheltering, and more.  

State swift water rescue teams, composed of both California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services and CAL FIRE assets, made a combined 47 rescues and assisted six locally-led rescue operations. These state operations complemented the work of local governments conducting their own rescues.

Gov. Newsom Signs Jackson’s Bill Extending Job-Protected Family Leave to Nearly 6 Million Californians

Governor Gavin Newsom (on Sept. 17) signed legislation ensuring millions more Californians can utilize Paid Family Leave benefits they pay for without the fear of job loss. SB 1383 was developed through the Paid Family Leave Task Force convened by the Administration last year and builds on previous work to extend Paid Family Leave benefits from six to eight weeks for each parent of a newborn.

“Californians deserve to be able to take time off to care for themselves or a sick family member without fearing they’ll lose their job,” said Governor Newsom. “The COVID-19 pandemic has only further revealed the need for a family leave policy that truly serves families and workers, especially those who keep our economy running. This bill will ensure almost all Californians can access the time off they need to keep themselves and their communities healthy.”