Tag: Frank P. Barajas

Guest commentary — 1903 JMLA Strike: A Reflection 121 Years Later

Imagine your reaction if your employer slashed the wages of workers by fifty to sixty percent. Why would a business do such a thing?

This spring, 121 years-ago, Japanese and Mexican sugar beet workers experienced this injustice in 1903. Reduced to a condition of wage slavery, in response they united not only amongst themselves but also with contratistas, labor contractors, traditionally utilized by agricultural lords to divorce themselves from the costs and responsibilities that came with being employers directly.

Guest commentary — A Chicano’s Education Or How I Decided to Educate Myself on Zionism, part 1

   As a Chicano who lives in the historically conquered territory of the Southwest after the US attack on Mexico in 1846 and who lives in the state of California that systematically dispossessed indigenous peoples of their land and relegated them to lives in concentration camps known as reservations, I identify with the Palestinian struggle for national liberation. Hence, I refuse to abet via silence the continued catastrophe, Nakba, of ethnic cleansing against the people of Palestine perpetuated since 1948 by the United States-backed state of Israel.[i] This moral stand arose from witnessing the brazenly decontextualized propaganda of commercial network news streamed to my television since October 7, 2023. Indeed, I have yet to view corporate news functionaries addressing the fundamental causes of Zionist invasion, racial apartheid, and theft of Palestinian territories even before the mid-twentieth century that induced Hamas’ recent attack on Israelis and the taking of hostages. 

Guest commentary — The Vexations of History

Oxnard Police Department officers cut short the lives of Meagan Hockaday (d. 3/28/15), Alfonso Limon (d. 10/13/12), Michael Mahoney (d. 8/14/12), Robert Ramirez (d. 6/23/12), and Juan Zavala (d. 6/28/2014).

Consequently, any City of Oxnard official who empathetically condemns the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police must also memorialize their deaths. Especially Robert Ramirez, who like Floyd and Eric Garner in New York, could not breathe as the medical examiner of Ventura County determined his death a police homicide from prone restraint asphyxia—choking.

Only then can we, as a community, have an authentic conversation on police violence elsewhere.

Guest commentary: Remembrances, Race, and Role Models: The Renaming of a Middle School

Editor’s note: Amigos805 welcomes guest columns, letters to the editor and other submissions from our readers. All opinions expressed in submitted material are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of Amigos805. By Frank P. Barajas / Guest contributor…

Guest commentary: Oxnard’s Civil Gang Injunctions: A Personal Inquisition

Editor’s note: Amigos805 welcomes guest columns, letters to the editor and other submissions from our readers. All opinions expressed in submitted material are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of Amigos805. Frank P. Barajas. Courtesy photo.…

Guest commentary: Professor, You’re Being Watched!?

Editor’s note: Amigos805 welcomes guest columns, letters to the editor and other submissions from our readers. All opinions expressed in submitted material are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of Amigos805. Frank P. Barajas. Courtesy photo.…

Guest commentary: History of Professors — Stories to Connect with Students, especially First Gens. Part 1

Editor’s note: Amigos805 welcomes guest columns, letters to the editor and other submissions from our readers. All opinions expressed in submitted material are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of Amigos805. Frank P. Barajas. Courtesy photo.…

Guest commentary: Murgia of the Past and Present

Editor’s note: Amigos805 welcomes guest columns, letters to the editor and other submissions from our readers. All opinions expressed in submitted material are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of Amigos805. By Frank P. Barajas / Guest contributor…

Guest commentary: More than student loans, they are college mortgages

Editor’s note: Amigos805 welcomes guest columns, letters to the editor and other submissions from our readers. All opinions expressed in submitted material are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of Amigos805. By Frank P. Barajas / Guest contributor…

Guest commentary: Debt peonage of a new sort

Editor’s note: Amigos805 welcomes guest columns, letters to the editor and other submissions from our readers. All opinions expressed in submitted material are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of Amigos805. By Frank P. Barajas / Guest contributor…

Guest commentary: A citizen’s view of a demonstration — More than 25

Editor’s note: Amigos805 welcomes guest columns, letters to the editor and other submissions from our readers. All opinions expressed in submitted material are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of Amigos805. By Frank P. Barajas / Guest contributor…

El Concilio profile: Frank P. Barajas

Editor’s note: Part of a continuing series of stories profiling the award-winners of El Concilio Family Service 2014 Latino Leadership Awards. The awards gala will be held on Saturday, May 31 at the Oxnard Performing Arts Center. Click here to register or to…

Guest commentary: Let us honor César

Editor’s note: Amigos805 welcomes guest columns, letters to the editor and other submissions from our readers. All opinions expressed in submitted material are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of Amigos805. By Frank P. Barajas / Guest contributor…

Guest commentary: Chrysler’s follow up to “To the Farmer in All of Us’ Superbowl commercial needs to be more inclusive

Editor’s note: Amigos805 welcomes guest columns, letters to the editor and other submissions from our readers. All opinions expressed in submitted material are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of Amigos805. By Frank P. Barajas /Guest contributor…

Guest commentary: A review of the history of perceived, real oppressive actions of law enforcement

Editor’s note: Amigos805 welcomes guest columns, letters to the editor and other submissions from our readers. All opinions expressed in submitted material are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of Amigos805. By Frank P. Barajas /Guest contributor…