VENTURA COUNTY — Child Hope Services and Foster VC Kids will host a Foster Care Summit, August 12, 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM at Reality Ventura Church, 1954 Goodyear Avenue, Ventura, 93003. The Foster Care Summit is free and community…
Tag: Foster Children
Information session for foster parents to be held March 22
VENTURA COUNTY — As a resource family, you become a link in a lifelong chain. You can provide the unconditional healing, support, and guidance that can help a child and siblings thrive and grow as every child needs. When children…
Sesión informativa para padres de crianza el 22 de marzo
VENTURA COUNTY — El mejor regalo que puede darle a un menor es dejarlo ser un niño rodeado del amor de una familia. Como padre de crianza, usted ayudara a mejorar la seguridad, permanencia y bienestar para toda la vida. Ofrecerle…