Tag: Finance

Finance: Household budget building how-to

By Metro Editorial Services (MS) The majority of families must live on budgets. Heads of households where money is no object may be able to spend at will, but many men and women must develop budgets so their families’ everyday…

Finance: Build a travel budget without compromising your trip

By Metro Editorial Services (MS) Many men and women dream of vacationing overseas, where they can experience another country’s culture and history. Such trips tend to be expensive, but travelers who develop a budget in advance of their trips can…

Finance: 2015 industry outlook

By Metro Editorial Services (MS) As much of the world slowly recovers from the far-reaching economic downturn that began in 2008, the International Monetary Fund has predicted a 3.2 percent growth for the global economy in 2015. Some countries, including…

Finance: How senior donors can avoid scams

By Metro Editorial Services (MS) Con artists masquerading as charities can victimize anyone, but seniors are especially vulnerable to such criminals. Men and women who perpetrate charitable fraud often target older men and women, feeling that seniors are more likely…

Finance: How to prepare for tax time

By Metro Editorial Services (MS) Although some are ready to say their fond farewells to 2013, thought needs to be given to the 12 months that just passed as tax-filing season approaches. It’s never too soon to begin preparations for…

Local financial news

> California Lutheran University is launching a Veterans Entrepreneurship Institute in January as part of an increased emphasis on preparing people to create their own business opportunities. Nelson Pizarro, an assistant professor of entrepreneurship in CLU’s School of Management, will…