Tag: Equality

The Port of Hueneme is Committed to Equality

As the country recovers from the many impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, an increase in racial turbulence and violence adds to the challenges for many Americans. Asian Pacific Islanders and Asian Americans as well as immigrants, people of color, women, and the LGBT+ communities are feeling the direct impacts of this turbulence. To reaffirm the Port of Hueneme’s commitment to equality, the Oxnard Harbor District Board of Commissioners recently passed a board resolution to promote tolerance and denounce racism.

“The Oxnard Harbor District Board of Commissioners acknowledges that the recent escalation of racial violence against the AAPI community must be acted upon,” said Board President Jason T. Hodge. “We are a District where people can feel safe and respected and free of harm and this resolution reflects that. We are a diverse working Port and as part of the global economy and local community, we have to incorporate our values into our actions.”