Tag: environmental footprint & receive awards

83 student-authors from Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties compete for the best project proposals to reduce their home’s environmental footprint & receive awards

On Friday, April 30, 7th-12th-grade students from seven public schools in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties participating in the MERITO Foundation’s EECCOA Challenge 2021 will be competing for cash and in-kind prizes with their environmental business proposals focused on water conservation, energy efficiency, or waste reduction in their homes, or to educate a community about ocean acidification. In the past, the program focused on reducing the environmental footprint of school campuses, but this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most students have been learning remotely. As a result, the challenge was adapted to allow students to submit proposals that reduce the environmental footprint of their homes. The main sponsors and partners of the EECCOA Program and EECCOA Virtual Challenge 2021 Awards Event are NOAA B-WET Grant, Ventura Water, Clean Power Alliance, and the City of Ventura’s Environmental Sustainability. The event will take place virtually on Friday, April 30 between 4:00 and 5:30 pm and will be live-streamed on the MERITO Foundation’s Facebook page.